
Help Planet .. Plant Tree

The world's forests provide basic services for large-scale humanitarian. They help to regulate climate and support life for animals and birds and some of the poorest people on the face of this earth. Logging reduces the amount of oxygen being recycled into the atmosphere. The destruction of forests affect climate change quantities of solar energy are absorbed and reflected. Our aim instilling tree every week save the planet as we are directly responsible for our own. We will develop new forests and save that list that can also operate shelters for animals and birds.







Trees rectify  the environment in which we maintain our   existence by moderating climate, bettering air quality, water conservation and wildlife shelters. You get the remote control to mitigate the effects of Sun, wind and rain. Radiant energy is absorbed from the Sun or deflected by leaves on trees with deciduous leaves in summer and are filtering only in branches of trees with deciduous leaves in winter. We are colder when we rest in the shade of trees, and not exposed to sunlight. In the winter, and we appreciate the radiant energy from the Sun. Therefore, we should plant small trees or leaves falling on the South side of the House.








They filter pollution. They help absorb storm water before it can create flooding and provide shade for the energy reduces global warming, help remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the air. Trees are also the source of grain, fruit and flowers, and also basic food supplies and also to decorate our home and our lives. Unusual medical supplies ordered, please let us be healthy and smiling And  in joy. we want live in cool nature touch popularity and smiling environmental sustainability, long life with enough food, medicine, clothes, housing, a healthy life, we should ...



1 planting one tree for every day

2. save all forests

3 Build a shelter for animals and birds

                            Our Blue White Planet(Earth)








The Marble Caves - Chile

The most beautiful caves in the world: Chile's Marble

Marble caves the most renowned attractions Tourer place of Patagonia (Chile) citations the most amazing cave on the Earth, Cuevas de Marmol is 6 000 years. These caves attract many tourists from around the globe. The mazes were created in nature marble impress the senses. A lake on the border between Argentina and Chile, with caves placed on the Chilean side. The cave consists of three main caves: Chapel (La kabaila) and Cathedral (Catedral St.) and cave (La Cueva). Exploring can be made by visitants to the caves in a smaller boat or kayak, but only if the waters of Lake Carrera quiet and gentle.

Lit by sunlight in some places, the marble arches carved an unforgettable scenery. Reflected glare of light in the crystal blue waters. , Where the curve is always different. The water level in the cave in constant evolution, which makes also look each time in a fresh way. The caves of marble "Chile Chico"-is the greatest deposit of marble on the ground. Its reserves are approximated at five million tons. The same Lake General Carrera, "among the deepest lakes of the Earth 11: up to a depth of 590 meters and covers an area of 1850 square kms.

Visitors are appealed not just from the esthetic view  of this heaven. Fishing fanciers can have  a good time for their hobby, because the Lake is filled with salmon and trout. Access to caves marble and must overcome the tourists 1300 km from the capital of Chile (Santiago) in the crime as soon as-koihaik. Then the way to South 300 km, which will lead-in to the Lake with wondrous caves, presented to us by nature.

Visitants are attracted to the unique ability of the marble cave is constantly changing its appearance. . Water levels are affected by freezing and melting glaciers surrounding it. It is also this glacial Lake deposits of silt which takes fine resting in the bottom of the Lake.                        

          Visitors are appealed not just from the esthetic view  of this heaven. Fishing fanciers can have  a good time for their hobby, because the Lake is filled with salmon and trout.


The Cano Cristales River Colombia

  most beautiful river on earth

Cano crystals, incomparable from the most beautiful rivers on earth is located by La Macarena in Colombia. Frequently known as the river of five colors include green, blue, black, red and yellow. For tourists, adventurers or take risks, this river is paradise on Earth. A part  of paradise      

River Of Five Color

The Cano crystals are often named as "the river of five colors" from the river is an unusual natural phenomenon. For a short period of time each year, flowers River in vibrant colors. Crystals Kano Rio consulted with several titles such "liquid", "Rainbow River which passed away from heaven" and also "the most beautiful River in the Earth" because of the amazing colors on the bed of the River, giving way it a unequaled appearance.

The river is visible in algae and algae forsake all, the moment of the year, but that seems to be a dull green and Brown all over. Color effect primarily due to variation in water level affected during parts of the year, and what makes a brilliant up and foam multi-color mosses for spectators. Water level allows you to adjust the sunlight for plants, but if you notice during the seasons of drought and rainfall, the situation is varied.

There's a lack of depth in coming the dry season, the type of wetland in the rainy season that does not give this rainbow effect of light everywhere. May be lying, and that point, wherever the waterline is suitable for all groups of algae, red and green, yellow and blue.

This natural phenomenon could be watched   amazing for a couple of weeks between July and December while the water table is to perfection. In the brief period between dry and wet seasons, plants one lining the floor of the river is called the klavigera macaroni red is fantastic. Offset in the sand, water, blue, yellow and green and thousands of subtle differences between the tasks.

The river is about 100 km and no longer than 20 meters. It extends to the East, Guayabero River. For almost of the year, Kanu crystals are indistinguishable of any other streams: on a layer of rocks covered inwards dull green algae is visible below the current cool. However, the river still beautiful because it's surrounded by magnificent very steep rocks, says they are hiding in plain sight from many waterfalls and natural pools.