
How to increase eggs production

Poultry and egg production may be an enjoyable pastime and lucrative business. Pullet usually begins laying 18 weeks after brooding and remains one egg every day for a few years. However, there are many factors affecting egg production; with a little advance planning, it can be manipulated to assure optimum performance of your fowl flock.
To make sure that you've Flock gets a balanced diet. Feed a layer of good food that carries whole of the the nutrients flock need. Food grain such as corn and remnants table scraps for your poultry to make what you do with those.

Feed them a better supply of calcium. Old eggshells can feed safely on the process, as long as it was firstly sterilized. Preheat oven to 370 Fahrenheit. Place the shells on baking oven for 20 minutes until shells are crisp and Brown. Cool
Then and finely crushed at the end of a rolling pin. This ensures that poultry not start dismantling their fresh acquired eggs. Include in your herd of food containing C for each every fowl’s soup daily, after the beginning of egg production. Alternatively, provide chicks with finely ground or introduced Oyster limestone.
Verify that the food is always in stock. Feeding chicken only what they need, and continue feeding food, over feeding can reduce the quantity of eggs product.

 Supplies of fresh and clean water are very important especially   in hot weather. Change and again fill water pot after few hours again and again .If necessary Supply new water jar to dehydration.
Provide your pullets sufficient light minimum   12 to 14 hours per day at starter period then reduce the schedule light program grower and finisher level.
In situation of dull or ill weather and winter, consider extending opening hours using light. Use few 40 watt light bulbs in the firm house this will help to increase egg production for the generally sterile. Be alert that extending the egg laying period in that process, over by time period, could finally reduce the laying life of the poultry  birds.
Avoid high temperatures, make sure that shade always available, as well as fresh water supplies. Ensure beneficial ventilation in the house with door to two and window on opposite sides to allow streaming through the fresh air.

Pest control. If you suspect an infection, talk it to your near local veterinarian or invite   veterinarian to your firm house for advice. .Sick poultry birds react to stress, and often even less responsive. Maintaining levels of aovibosishan to ensure a safe environment, free from stress

Maintain laying levels by ensuring a stress-free environment that is free from predators, unexpected shocks and frequent changes in routine, especially food stuffs and people. Allow your flock to enjoy a peaceful life.

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